Senin, 14 April 2014

tugas bahasa inggris 2

Prevention Starts on Your Plate
Let's face it: It's really hard to see a light side of cancer. Even jokes about this deadly disease can't help but remind us of our mortality.
But one of the brightest sides of cancer these days is that so much of it seems to be preventable. Many experts believe that at least 50 percent of cancer cases could be averted with changes in diet. But because changing their diets is not an easy thing for people to do, some experts believe that. supplements may be needed to make up for existing nutritional deficiencies.
"There's no one magic bullet to prevent cancer, but there are dietary changes you can make that, when combined, will certainly reduce your risk of cancer," says Patrick Quillin, R.D., Ph.D., certified nutrition specialist, nutritional director for the Cancer Treatment Centers of America, headquartered in Arlington Heights, Illinois, and author of Beating Cancer with. Nutrition.
The sooner you make those dietary changes, the better your chances of never having to battle this deadly foe, Dr. Quillin says. "Cancer usually develops slowly, over many years, and goes through a number of stages," he adds.
Nutrition is most likely to have an impact on the early precancerous stages known as initiation and progression. These stages include potentially stoppable, even reversible, changes in a cell's genetic material, which are often the result of damage caused by chemical reactions in the body. Once the genetic changes are complete, however, and the now cancerous celljbe-gins to multiply, nutrition is no longer a sole therapy option.
Researchers are still figuring out the exact details of a cancer-preventing diet, and they probably will be for a long time to come. Sometimes contradictory findings remind us that much remains to be learned about nutrition and cancer. Nevertheless, certain nutrients stand out as valiant warriors in the war against cancer. Here's what research shows
Food Factors
Just about everything that goes in your mouth can play a role, positive or negative, when it comes to cancer. Vitamins and minerals are only part of the story. Experts offer these additional dietary suggestions to reduce your risk.
Eschew the fat. A high-fat diet ups your odds for most kinds of cancer.
Experts say that an optimum cancer-preventive diet should contain no more than 20 to 25 percent of calories from fat. That's about half of the amount of fat that most Americans eat.
To reach that goal, stick mostly with fruits and vegetables, whole grains and beans, fish and shellfish, lean meats and low-fat or nonfat dairy products.
Change the one-third rule. Experts used to suggest that you get no more than one-third of your daily fat allotment from each of these sources: saturated fats, polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats.
Saturated fats, which are hard at room temperature, include animal fatslard and butter, for example and hydrogenated vegetable oils, the white stuff that comes in a can. (Lots of processed foods are made with hydrogenated vegetable oils; make sure you read the labels carefully.)
Polyunsaturated fats include most vegetable oils, such as corn, saf-flower, sunflower and soy. Monounsaturated fats include olive oil, canola oil and the fat found in avocados.
But there is growing evidence that monounsaturated oils can help prevent certain kinds of cancer. That is why some researchers are beginning to suggest that the one-third rule be changed. They recommend that you get no more than one-fourth of your daily fat allotment from saturated fats, another one-fourth from polyunsatu-rates and the remaining half from the healthy monounsaturates. You can increase your use of monounsaturates "by switching to olive oil or canola oil or by mixing them equally with polyunsaturated oils when you cook.
Use the freshest oils you can -find, at least one expert recommends. Never use rancid oil if it smells "off," toss it. Oils become rancid as they oxidize and produce damaging free radicals. Buy your oil in small quantities and keep it refrigerated.
Go on green. While beta-carotene has gotten most of the attention, evidence suggests that other components in vegetables may prove as powerful at licking cancer. One of them, lutein, is found in broccoli, green peas, celery, kale and spinach.
Watercress may also fight cancer. In one study, a compound in watercress called PEITC appeared to prevent lung cancer in experimental animals exposed to cigarette smoke.
Don't forget the tomatoes. While they don't contain much beta-carotene, tomatoes are packed with lycopene, a close relative with suspected health benefits. A study from Italy found that people who ate seven or more servings a week of raw tomatoes were 60 percent less likely to develop cancer of the stomach, colon or rectum compared with people who ate two or fewer servings a week. Besides tomatoes, ruby red grapefruit and sweet red peppers are good sources of lycopene.
Be a tea tippler. It turns out that tea contains substances called polyphenols that, in laboratory animals at least, have been proven to have cancer-preventing properties. "These substances act as antioxi-dants and neutralize cell-damaging free radicals just as vitamins do," explains Zhi Y. Wang, Ph.D., associate research professor in the Department of Dermatology at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City.
Both green and black tea are rich in polyphenols. Based on his research, Dr. Wang suggests that you use regular tea, which naturally contains caffeine, rather than artificially decaffeinated tea, because regular tea has better cancer-protecting effects.
Gobble up garlic. This pungent bulb wards off more than evil spirits. A study from researchers at Pennsylvania State University in University Park founcj, that garlic inhibits breast cancer cell formation. And Iowa researchers found that eating garlic at least once a week cut women's risk of colon cancer by one-third compared with women who never ate garlic.
Compounds in garlic, onions and chives all members of the allium vegetable family are involved in the production of enzymes that neutralize cancer-causing chemicals.
My comment :
Cancer is disease its very dead and very dangerous. Cancer is the result grown abnormal to cell body changed to be cancer calls. In grown up, this cancer cells can spread other to part of body. Cancer that can cause is dead. It’s cluster more complex from as kind of cancer diases. Cancer can get influence every body in body human. Many people shocked when knowing cancer that can effect parts body such as eye and heart. Kind of cancer effect, indicatio, and medicine method is different. Such as cluster other of disuase, some kind of cancer that is more general from other.
Eat also can be other factor cause of cancer. Example kind of eat in can cause cancer is eat sour. Can get level effect being side cancer. Drink is can alcohol caused effect more than high troat cancer.
Although it is very difficult to cure cancer , but still there are many ways to prevent the body from cancer . Healthy lifestyle , exercise , maintain a diet , taking vitamins , reducing the consumption of junk food , cigarettes and alcohol reduce a little ways to reduce cancer risk . Although cancer is difficult to detect as early as possible , but it is good we keep ourselves from all forms of cancer risk factors . keep your health to avoid the disease.

Healing With Vitamins, By the edits of Prevention Health Books, Rodale.

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